GOD loves our children, and so do we! As our children GROW they MATURE, and at every step along the way they have full-access to the GOD we LOVE, SERVE, and WORSHIP as adults. Through Bible teaching, children are introduced to Jesus' lessons about GOD's love. They learn to PRAY and to WAIT, LISTEN and HOPE for GOD's loving responses.

The presence of little ones is a gift to South Church since they remind us that our community of faith is active and alive! We believe that young children are a blessing and we offer heartfelt hospitality to them and to you because we take seriously these words of invitation issued by our denomination: “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”
In an effort to integrate children more meaningfully into the life of the church, all children are welcome to participate in our Service Sundays on the second Sunday of every month. Children are invited to worship with their parents and then help support the service project at 10:30 AM. A more traditional Sunday School model is offered on the fourth Sunday of the month.
Nursery care for infants and toddlers is available on the second and fourth Sundays as well.
Our staff and volunteers are available to greet children at 9:45 AM, enabling parents to help children feel more comfortable during this time of transition. All children are welcome and encouraged to attend this sacred time of gathering.
Opportunities for children to engage with the congregation are encouraged through the intentional planning of intergenerational activities as well. Children and adults participate in worship experiences, book studies, mission work, musical adventures and shared fellowship opportunities. It is our belief at South Church that learning with and from one another that we grow closer to our loving God.
South Church is SAFE
South Church is committed to creating and maintaining a Christian Education and family community in which children, youth, adult volunteers, and authorized ministers can worship and share their spiritual journey together in an atmosphere free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, exploitation, and intimidation. Our Safe Space policy includes training for all participants and background checks for all adults involved with CEFE.
Contact our CEFE Director